Earlier this month we were thrilled to present local charity, The Nicola Support Foundation, with a cheque for £4,360. Set up in 2005, this amazing family-run charity helps families dealing with cancer and since its establishment, has helped over 300 families.
As our charity of choice in the Bristol region, we have been raising funds for the foundation through a number of fantastic events including the Bristol Half Marathon and a few seasonal bake offs in-between! In addition to this, we have made a financial contribution to the foundation for every home that we have sold in the last year.
The foundation was originally created to help Nicola Corry herself and her family in Nicola’s own fight against cancer. Just after giving birth to her son, Nicola needed to have treatment but the task of caring for her son as well as enduring this treatment was so immense for her family, that her friends rallied round and created a fund to help her through such a difficult time. When Nicola sadly passed away in 2005, her family and friends wanted to continue with this fund to help other families going through a similar situation.
Robin Squire, Regional Managing Director of Acorn’s Bristol office said: “We’ve been working with The Nicola Corry Support Foundation for over two years to help support the fantastic work they do. We have a close relationship with the team at NCSF and it’s great to hear what a difference our donations make to the families going through such difficult and challenging times.”
Claire Bullock, The Nicola Corry Support Foundation said: “We’re so grateful for the donations Acorn have made. We are a very small charity, so all donations received really make a huge difference. The team at Acorn are always thinking of fun new ideas on how we can raise funds and we already have some exciting plans for the year ahead.”
If you would like to make a donation to this fantastic charity then please click here.