Creation of outdoor space and ability to work from home central to design at Saxonvale

November 3, 2020
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Adjacent to the centre of the historic market town of Frome, Saxonvale is set to be a vibrant new community hub along the banks of the River Frome with flexible commercial space, desirable public realm and design-led quality homes for all lifestyles. An exemplar mixed-use development which takes the historic grain of Frome as its starting point and uses Acorn Property Group’s ’Different by Design’ ethos by incorporating contemporary sensitive design, local features and quality material to create character and civic pride.

With the recent challenges of Covid-19 changing the way we live, greater importance has been placed on the ability to work from home and desire for outdoor space. Now more than ever, Acorn recognises and understands that in order for Saxonvale to be a good neighbourhood it must offer a wide range of amenities to make living and working there attractive, enjoyable and have a positive contribution to overall wellbeing.

The scheme has been designed with a live-work lifestyle in mind, enabling people to work from home in a range of different formats. A proportion of these new homes are specifically intended for living and working and will have planning permission already in place to allow for commercial/business space on the ground floor with first floor living above, providing certainty for home businesses on a residential mortgage. These homes recognise the need to be adaptable, supporting homeworkers by providing flexible workspace such as having a home study/office or a studio/workshop located nearby and available in various sizes that can accommodate a range of needs as these evolve.

All apartments at Saxonvale will incorporate into their design a carefully thought-out area for a work desk with access to a data point connected to high speed fibre optic broadband, encouraging a more comfortable and dedicated workspace that goes beyond having to make use of the dining table or bedroom.

Demand for outdoor space has also grown, with people having found a greater appreciation for the need to have access to outdoor space. Saxonvale meets this need by incorporating numerous green elements from footpath and cycle links, to vast amounts of desirable public realm including a Riverside Park characterised by play equipment, open grassland and woodland as well as a Riverside Café and Public Square designed as an open-air venue that can be used for market stalls, entertainment and sports purposes.

All workspaces and residential areas will have external spaces, with individual properties benefitting from private gardens, balconies or roof terraces. Communal gardening opportunities will be provided for apartment dwellers in the form of lawn areas, raised planters and allotments for veg production, where residents can relax and get involved by helping to shape this space over time to reflect the community that develops there.

Robin Squire, Managing Director of Acorn’s Bristol Region adds: “This is an exciting development for Acorn and subject to planning; late 2021 will see the site undergo major operations in preparing for Saxonvale’s redevelopment”.

For all the latest news on Saxonvale please visit