First Purchaser Moves into Otters Holt

February 12, 2018

We’re delighted to welcome our first purchaser Dominic into his new home at Otters Holt.

Dominic said on his recent purchase: “I was looking to downsize and had driven past the site before it was even launched, so I got in touch with Acorn to arrange a viewing. Tom from Acorn got me into the house I was interested in and that was it; job done. The house sold itself.

The whole sales team have been very professional, friendly and relaxed and they have kept me fully informed throughout the process without excessive contact, which has been very much appreciated. They have struck the right balance and been very helpful with any queries that I have had and quickly obtained the answers. It has been an enjoyable experience.

If you’re interested in purchasing your next home with us then check out our range of developments here.